St. Ignatius

St. Ignatius
Daily Ignatian Prayer and Reflection - Ateneo de Davao University Basic Education

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

22nd Day of Ignatian Reflection

Gospel of Matthew 13: 16-17
July 22, 2014

16 But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. 17 For truly I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.



The first person I can think of when I am asked , “Who introduced Jesus in your life?” , is my Mom.

Back when I was in grade school, I remembered her coaxing us to attend mass. It was not delighting considering the crowd.  However, the colorful balloons outside San Pedro Church partly inspired me to go .That was something to look forward to every Sunday.

I also remembered my mom bringing us to Betahouse, a small store filled with betamax tapes. DVds are not available yet those days. So, we carried these huge bags filled with  Betamax tapes. One of our favorites was Flying House. My brother and I enjoyed  Kadenchin, the Solar Ion Robot ("SIR"). They would travel back time and witness Jesus’ discipleship.

My mother also introduced the praying of the Rosary . Again, she coaxed us by giving us new rosaries. I was  asked to pick the rosary I liked best and that inspired me more to pray every night.

As I grow older, going to church, watching inspiring movies about Jesus and praying the rosary smoothly became part of our routines. My mom need not convince us to do those stuff anymore. We longed to do those instead. We would take turns leading the rosary, come to mass earlier  to avoid standing outside the church  and rent more betamax and watch more stories like Moses.

The scripture reminds us that not all were able to see, hear and feel God’s love for us. Reflecting, I am blessed because I saw , heard and felt God’s love  through my mother’s persistent effort of bringing Jesus into our life.

Being Jesus’ disciple is not easy.  Challenges come sometimes like waves but amidst all these, life is still beautiful as ever because the feeling of being loved so much by God makes all things a lot lighter. Problems come and quickly go.

Well I guess, this is such a privilege to be His disciple.

By:  Glynes Ibanez




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