St. Ignatius

St. Ignatius
Daily Ignatian Prayer and Reflection - Ateneo de Davao University Basic Education

Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 7 of Ignatian Reflection

July 07, 2014 Monday  -  Nursery Level

Gospel Reading: Mt. 9: 18-26

A Girl Restored to Life and a Woman

18 While he was saying this, a synagogue leader came and knelt before him and said, “My daughter has just died. But come and put your hand on her, and she will live.” 19 Jesus got up and went with him, and so did his disciples.

20 Just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak. 21 She said to herself, “If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed.”

22 Jesus turned and saw her. “Take heart, daughter,” he said, “your faith has healed you.” And the woman was healed at that moment.

23 When Jesus entered the synagogue leader’s house and saw the noisy crowd and people playing pipes, 24 he said, “Go away. The girl is not dead but asleep.” But they laughed at him. 25 After the crowd had been put outside, he went in and took the girl by the hand, and she got up. 26 News of this spread through all that region.


In today's gospel, we read about the faith of two different people. The healing of the official's daughter and the woman with haemorrhage presented us that when things get worse, we can always turn to Christ. They demonstrated their faith in Christ differing one from another when the woman touched Jesus and she was healed, while the official’s daughter came to life when Jesus touched her. Similarly, we show our deep faith in Christ through many ways. The gospel today made us understand that Christ is so powerful that He responds in our desperate circumstances.

Once we see ourselves suffering from sickness, hardships, doubts and everyday concerns, we can approach Christ with faith in our hearts. Not only through tough times that we can express our faith, but in every day that God created. We demonstrate the same faith in different ways by believing in His words, serving Him through others and seeing Him in everything we do. With the gospel today, may we be like the official and the woman who took their problems to Christ.

Reflection Questions:

1. How do I nurture my faith in God?
2. How do we manifest our faith in God?

Ignatian Value:  Finding God in All Things

Join us again tomorrow for another day of reflection and prayer and find our inner Iggy. AMDG ! 

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